Beer and snacks on the Piesenhausener Hochalm
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Hops and malt, may the Lord preserve it!

The brewers in the Chiemgau-Area love their craft, which has a centuries-old tradition. This love is also reflected in the quality of the products. It is not for nothing that the local beers receive high awards year after year - for example from the German Agricultural Society.

Biere von den privaten Heimatbrauern
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Die privaten Heimatbrauer

12 traditionelle Brauereien stellen sich vor

Hier entlang
Mann riecht an Hopfen bei der Brauereiführung
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

experience beer

Guided tours, beer workshop and more

Learn more
Pärchen im Biergarten
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Beer on site

Beer gardens and Bräustüberl

experience comfort

trial pass

Exchange your full stamp pass for a six-pack from the local brewers!

© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Chiemgauer Rezepte

Rezepte zum Nachkochen

Detail of a traditional hat
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Chiemgau G'schichten

Chiemgau, Land & Leute

View from the Chiemsee to the Fraueninsel
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Sights to see & places to visit

Absolutely worth seeing!

Let's go!