Herrenchiemsee Castle
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Ruins and border ramparts, castle park and interior furnishings tell stories of a times long past. The venerable buildings in the Chiemgau-Area are now often open to the public as museums or are even available as an extraordinary venue for cultural events.

Castle Herrenchiemsee

Open today


Herrenchiemsee Palace is the Chiemgau attraction. The "Bavarian Versailles" was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria on one of the islands in the…
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Heinz vom Stein - Erlebniswelt

Stein an der Traun

If you get closer to Stein an der Traun, it quickly becomes clear why this breathtaking ensemble of castle and palace complex attracts numerous…
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Burg Tittmoning



Tittmoning Castle, which towers high above the old town, can be seen from afar. Here you can find local finds and handicrafts...
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Schloss Pertenstein


The moated castle on the Traun is a real gem. For many years it lay dormant, today it is one of the most popular event locations in the Chiemgau.
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Schloss Hohenaschau

Aschau i. Chiemgau

The castle in Aschau im Chiemgau was built in the 12th century by Konrad and Arnold von Hirnsberg.
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Festung Hohensalzburg

Open today


The Hohensalzburg Fortress is located above the towers of Salzburg and was created in the 11th century.
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Maria Eck church at Hochfelln
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Churches & Monasteries

Magnificent buildings from bygone times

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Museum salt and moor in Grassau
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V., Oliver Raatz


From Roman times to modern art

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Exhibit in the Hofbräuhaus Traunstein
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Destinations for every weather

Ideas for rainy and cloudy days

Right this way
Detail of a traditional hat
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Chiemgau G'schichten

Chiemgau, Land & Leute