Museum salt and moor in Grassau
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V., Oliver Raatz

Julius Exter is one of the most famous Chiemsee painters. His works hang in the Chiemsee painter gallery on Herrenchiemsee (all year round) and in the Exterhaus in Übersee (open in summer). Friends of contemporary art will always find high-quality works of international art at Maximum Traunreut.

400 years ago, the Chiemgau-Area developed into an important salt trading region. The Salz & Moor Museum in Grassau, the brine pipeline exhibition and the open-air museum in the Salinenpark in Traunstein and the Holzknechtmuseum in Ruhpolding. Many other museums take guests back to the times of farmers and brewers, Romans and Celts, glaciers and mammoths.

Heimathaus / Stadt- und Spielzeugmuseum


The town and toy museum is located in the middle of one of the oldest monuments in Traunstein, right on the town square - an ideal place to indulge in…
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Brauerei Hofbräuhaus Traunstein

Open today


We are brewers and always have been brewers - the family-run Hofbräuhaus Traunstein has been brewing from the best Bavarian raw materials for over 400…
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Römermuseum Grabenstätt


Building materials and tools, agricultural equipment, household items and crockery that are over 2000 years old are on display there.
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Bauernhausmuseum Amerang


Experience the country and life in Chiemgau and Rupertiwinkel!
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Salzburger Freilichtmuseum


Discover the history of our Salzburg neighbors in the open air...
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How did the woodcutters once live, who were an important economic factor in southern Chiemgau? Find out in the woodworker museum in Ruhpolding.
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Hans-Peter Porsche TRAUMWERK

Open today


Discover the world's largest collection of tin toys, a fascinating world of model railways and some classics from Porsche at Traumwerk near Anger.…
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EFA Mobile Zeiten

Open today


A journey through time of the automotive industry from the 1920s to the 1980s.
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Alte Saline Bad Reichenhall

Bad Reichenhall

Get to know one of the most important industrial monuments in Bavaria. The "white gold" has been mined here for centuries!
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Römermuseum Bedaium Seebruck


The Bedaium Roman Museum is located in the beautiful community of Seebruck am Chiemsee. Follow in the footsteps of the Romans - with sea air in your…
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Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden


Good luck in the salt mine in Berchtesgaden. Dive underground into the depths of the Alps...
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DASMAXIMUM – Eine Perle der zeitgenössischen Kunst mitten im Chiemgau


The museum in Traunreut houses impressive works and installations of contemporary art. Exhibits by Andy Warhol, Walter De Maria and Georg Baselitz can…
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Naturkunde- und Mammut Museum Siegsdorf

Open today


Set off on a journey through 250 million years of geological history.
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Burg Tittmoning



Tittmoning Castle, which towers high above the old town, can be seen from afar. Here you can find local finds and handicrafts...
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Lokwelt Freilassing


Travel quickly through the ages - this is possible in the lovingly restored roundhouse in Freilassing, which makes noble steam locomotives accessible…
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Museum Salz & Moor - Klaushäusl


The Museum Salz und Moor is easily accessible from Grassau and Rottau in the Klaushäusl on the Kendlmühlfilzen. Here you can find out everything there…
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Mit Schirm, Charme und spannender Geschichte

Im Salz & Moor Museum in Grassau wird die historische Solepumpstation greifbar gemacht und der traditionelle Einfluss von Salz und Moor in der Region dargestellt.

Girl with cell phone in front of a QR code in the Roman Museum in Grabenstätt
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Pfeffertoast und Pfotenabdruck

Archäologin Andrea Krammer zeigt uns das Römermuseums Grabenstätt und die neue Mitmachstation für Kinder. Hier wird Kultur für Groß und Klein zugänglich gemacht. 

Das Siegsdorfer Mammut aus dem Naturkundemuseum in voller Größe
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

Naturkundemuseum Siegsdorf

Komm mit auf eine Zeitreise im Naturkundemuseum Siegsdorf, geführt vom Leiter des Museums Dr. Darga.

Exhibit in the Hofbräuhaus Traunstein
© © Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.

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